# One.com Asana Incidents Viz This is a single page application written using React and Tailwind css, and uses (Vite JS)[https://vitejs.dev] as the bundler/dev server. This project heavily relies on the Asana v1.0 API and thus any changes to the API will result in a non-functioning viz tool. ## Development setup 1. Clone this repo 2. Install node dependencies: `npm install` 3. Copy the `.env.example` file as `.env.local` and fill in the required values. 4. Run the local dev server: `npm run dev` ``` Note: Asana API URI can be set as https://app.asana.com/api/1.0 ``` ## Deployment 1. Clone this repo 2. Install node dependencies: `npm install` 3. Either follow step 3 from the development setup OR provide the same variables to the build context 4. Run the build command: `npm run build` 5. Deploy the `dist` directory to any web server of your choice ``` Note: Make sure you don't copy the node_modules folder if you are making a zip. ``` ## License This project is licensed under MIT.